MLA from the mountains to the prairies

ASLD Chair -- Job Description

TITLE: Academic and Special Librarian Division Chair

MISSION STATEMENT: To promote communication and cooperation among academic and special libraries in Montana and to provide continuing education for members of the division.

GOALS (from ASLD by-laws):

To promote communication among librarians employed in specialized, educational, research, or academic libraries in Montana.

  • The Division Chair will inform members about MLA Board actions, and other MLA and ASLD activities as needed through appropriate online platforms.
  • The Division Chair will provide reports to the MLA Board meetings. 
  • Chair will confirm a scheduled, in-person meeting time at the annual MLA conference and Fall Retreat.

To provide its membership with continuing education in developments which may be utilized by librarians. An annual Fall Retreat will be held, which will provide an opportunity for continuing education.

  • ASLD chair will submit a program proposal for the ASLD supported Significant Tidings program at the annual MLA conference.  This session provides opportunity for those wishing to share their library ideas, projects, or grant developments in 15-20 minute sessions.

To promote a cooperative use of materials and facilities and the exchange of information among its membership.

  • Senior Co-chair will meet with in-coming Junior Co chair at the MLA annual conference, or as possible, to discuss plans for the coming year.


  1. Plan and preside over division meetings.
  2. Communicate with division members.
  3. Serve on MLA Executive Board.
  4. Submit division budget request to MLA Board.
  5. Prepare and submit reports of division activities to MLA Board
  6. Plan with other divisions for annual Fall Retreat


All year long: Contribute to online platform with news from division 
April: Attend annual MLA Conference 
    Send out on WIRED Significant Tidings presenters list and topics 2 weeks before conference

  •     Attend annual board meeting
  •     Senior Co-Chair lead ASLD division meeting
             Request nominations for incoming Junior Co-Chair
  •     Moderate Significant Tidings at annual conference

May: Senior Co-Chair reach out to incoming Junior Co-Chair 
June: Attend annual summer Board Retreat

  • Board report due with annual budget (Fall Retreat) 
  • Start planning Fall Retreat

August: Continue with plans for Fall Retreat
September: Send out registration information for Fall Retreat 
October: Host Fall Retreat 

  • Lead ASLD division in-person meeting
  • Attend in-person Board meeting following Fall Retreat


  • Attend online Board Meeting
  • Send in program proposal, Significant Tidings, following call for conference proposals 

February: Send out call for proposals for Significant Tidings 
March: Finalize presenters for Significant Tidings

HISTORY: Listing of past Division chairs:

Updated February 2023
September 27, 2002

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

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