MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Vice President - President Elect -- Job Description

TITLE: Vice President/President Elect

MISSION STATEMENT: To uphold the mission of MLA and actively support the President in carrying out his/her charge. Become familiar with all aspects of MLA.


GOAL 1: Increase awareness/knowledge of MLA to better serve the organization and to take over MLA business in the event the President is unable to serve.


a. Review Manual of procedures and by-laws first month in office.

b. Review duties and job description first month in office.

c. Attend Conference Workshop Selection meeting

d. Attend all meetings (Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Council)

e. Be an active participant at meetings.

f. Keep current on activities of Divisions and Committees by keeping a file of their correspondence (e-mail, wired-mt ,etc.).

g. Work with the President to see if Divisions, Committees, Officers are fulfilling goals and objectives.

h. Visit with members and gather grassroots information for direction of MLA by asking for speaking time at Federation meeting, Fall Retreat.

i. Attend Legislative day; Review legislative agenda and help when asked.

GOAL 2: Prepare for Year as President


a. Keep up on projects that will carry over into your year as Chair.

b. By April have suggestions for the conference theme so can gather comments at April Board meeting. Will finalize decision in July/August.

c. List committee persons who will be going off and begin working to appoint (along with the Chairs) replacements.

d. Have MPLA, ALA, and PNLA representatives watch for speakers that may be candidates for speaker at general session of MLA convention.

GOAL 3: Support Professional Development


a. Attend workshops.

b. Assist/encourage activities of Professional Development Committee

GOAL 4: Enhance the stature of Montana Libraries


a. Assist/encourage/support activities of Marketing and PR Committee

b. Keep informed as to the state of Montana libraries (legislation, funding act) in case called upon to speak locally or in other parts of the State. ALA web site on Advocacy information.

GOAL 5: Work with the Montana State Library


a. Serve as MLA representative on the Network Advisory Board. (This is a three year term and not all Vice-President-President Elect officers will be required to fill this position

b. Keep informed of MSL projects by reading newsletter and postings on WIRED-MT.

c. Support MSL projects and coordinate where possible with MLA.

d. Attend a MSL Commission meeting.


MAY: Review budget proposal information and help Budget Committee meeting prepare final budget.
MAY: Discuss any directives with Board and take steps to carry out.
JUNE: Organize/complete all records of current term to hand off to incoming Vice- President
JUNE: Attend leadership retreat
JUNE: Assist the President with annual evaluation of the Executive Director.
AUGUST: Help the President as needed with regards to theme for conference, conference plans and keynote speaker.
OCTOBER: Attend the Conference Planning Program Selection Committee meeting
OCTOBER: Attend Fall Retreat and Board meeting
NOVEMBER: Plan the June Leadership retreat with Executive Director
DECEMBER: Start work on finding people to fill vacancies on Committees.
JANUARY: Attend Legislative Day (during Legislative years)
JANUARY: Non- legislative years, attend online Winter Board meeting
FEBRUARY: Make sure up to speed on any projects that will carry over to next year.
FEBRUARY: Attend Offline conference
MARCH: Finish finding people to fill vacancies on Committees. Plan / decide directives as President.
APRIL: Attend MLA conference and Board meeting. Attend division and interest group meetings to gather grassroots information for direction of MLA. Meet with the President for purposes of transfer of office.


1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

2. Assume the office of President after serving a one year term as President-Elect.

3. Perform such duties as assigned by the President and the Executive Board.

4. Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Council, Executive Board and Budget Committee.

5. Serves as a voting member of the Board of Directors, Council, Executive Committee and Budget Committee.

6. Serves as MLA representative on the Montana State Library Network Advisory Board. (This is a three year term and not all Vice-President President Elect officers will be required to fill this position.)

7. Attends the Annual meeting of the membership during the annual conference.

8. Appoints chairs for all standing committees.

9. Works with the chair to complete committee member appointments.

10. May pick a special project or work with a committee with approval of the President.

11. Promote MLA

12. Assist the President with evaluation of Executive Director

13. Serve as member of the Conference Program Selection Committee

Updated July 2008

Updated January 2018

Updated July 2019

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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