MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Nominating Committee Chair Job Description

    TITLE: Nominations Committee Chair

    MISSION: To secure nominees from the membership who would well represent all types of libraries and conduct a fair and impartial election ensuring the continuation of MLA.


    1. Secure nominations from the membership for position vacancies
    2. Conduct fair and impartial election


    1. Determine position vacancies
    2. Seek nominees from the membership. Use Focus, Wired-MT, etc.
    3. Inform the Board of slate of candidates
    4. Gather biographical information to include with communication to the membership
    5. Put election information and slate of candidates in Focus, on the listserv and the website.
    6. Work with the Conference Planners to find a time for a “meet the candidates”
    7. Place the candidates on the Agenda for the Annual business meeting giving the candidates time to speak to the membership
    8. Work with the Executive Director to have ballots created and emailed to active members
    9. Develop a budget for the election process
    10. Collect and tabulate election results.
    11. Inform the Board, candidates and the membership of election results
    12. Give paper ballots or election results to the Executive Director who will keep them on file for one year.
    13. Write an annual report


    JUNE– Read Handbook information on this committee

    JUNE– Attend Leadership retreat; determine positions which will have vacancies

    SEPTEMBER– Contact Committee members and inform them of the offices to fill. Gather lists of all past Board, committee, and Interest group chairs for possible candidates.

    OCTOBER– Write an article for Focus, Wired-Mt and the web page seeking nominations. Make a brief announcement at the ASLD retreat.

    NOVEMBER-JANUARY– Finding candidates is ongoing. Finalize a slate of nominees by January 1 and secure written permission from the candidates along with a biographical sketch. Contact the conference committee to include the slate of candidates in the pre-conference registration packet.

    FEBRUARY– Work with the conference committee to set a time for a “meet the candidates”. Check with the PLD and the SLMD to see if they want their ballots included with MLA ballot.

    APRIL– Work with the Executive Director to have email ballots created. Include biographical
    information and write in candidate spaces. Ballots shall contain a deadline date to be returned to
    the Chair.

    APRIL- Introduce the candidates at the Annual Conference. Besides a “meet the candidates” time, have the candidates put on the annual meeting agenda.

    MAY– Chair shall arrange for the votes to be counted. Prepare an official report of the election results and transmit to the President and Vice Chair.

    MAY-By May 1 notify the candidates as to the election results. Send thank you notes to all nominees for their willingness to run for office. Announce to the membership (no later than May 15) the election results via Wired-Mt, Focus and the Website. Transmit any pertinent files to the next Past President. Complete annual report and any Handbook changes by June 30

    Updated July 2008
    Updated January 2018

    Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

    2025 Montana Library Association

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